
One objective of the Living Lab is to identify readily available, climate smart beneficial management practices that have the potential to enhance soil carbon sequestration and/or reduce greenhouse emission while a the same time help strengthening farmer’s bottom lines. Our desire is to provide resources that educate, empower, and enable adoption over the long term on the New Brunswick agricultural landscape.

Climate Change & Environment Goals

We often talk about global climate change and environmental goals driving things, but for many, the relationships between international organizations, countries, provinces, and industry value chains can be confusing.

Silviculture management 

Article coming soon.

Pollinator strip deployment 

Article coming soon.

Shelterbelt establishment 

Article coming soon.

Precision Nitrogen Management – Variable Rate Script 

Article coming soon.

Manure Management Systems

Article coming soon.

Riparian zone protection and augmentation 

Article coming soon.

Split Nitrogen Application  

Article coming soon.

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