We often talk about global climate change and environmental goals driving things, but for many, the relationships between international organizations, countries, provinces, and industry value chains can be confusing. To simplify things, we’ve created a diagram that shows the big picture, who’s involved, how they’re connected, and how it all contributes to a resilient future in New Brunswick agriculture.
Understanding how all the different programs and initiatives offered in New Brunswick that promote beneficial farming practices fit together can be confusing. If you’re interested in using these practices on your farm, it might be hard to know where to start looking for support. To make things clearer, we’ve collaborated with industry and government partners to explain how it all works.
Everyone involved is focused on helping farmers make their farms more resilient. For example, the Living Lab NB and other researchers are working directly with farmers to study and develop beneficial management practices that work for them. There’s also a lot of sharing of information and resources between farmers and experts, as well as systems in place for reporting on sustainability.
Additionally, there are financial incentives available from both the federal and provincial governments, as well as from industry, to help farmers implement these practices.
Achieving global net zero targets and addressing climate change requires active participation and adaptation from farmers. While there are challenges and costs involved, there are also opportunities for farmers to contribute to climate solutions, build resilience, and potentially benefit from new markets and incentives for sustainable agriculture. The Living Lab is here to help provide you with cost and yield data on the various management practices so that you can make an informed decision. If you’re interested in adopting new or improving old farming methods, here’s a network of financial and resource support to help you:
AAFC Programs
- On-Farm Climate Action Fund (OFCAF)
NBDAAF and Cost Share Programs
Industry Programs and Initiatives
- McDonalds McCain Future of Potato Farming Fund
Other Environmental Programs and Initiatives
Extension Resources
- Agrologists
- NBDAAF and other Government Extension Staff
- Agri-Environmental Services (e.g. NBSCIA Clubs)
- Certified Crop Advisors
- Non-Government Organizations
- Watershed Groups
Data, Training, Research
- Universities and Colleges
- Precision Agriculture and Technology